Urban Indian Health Institute is the data and research division of Seattle Indian Health Board. Its mission is to decolonize data, for Indigenous people, by Indigenous people.

Decolonizing Data
(De·col·o·nizing Da·ta) /decolonizing detə/ v
1. Reclaiming the Indigenous values of data collection, analysis, and research.
2. Data for Native people, by Native people.
3. Recognizes the inherent strength of Indigenous people.
Don’t come to us because you think we have the most problems; come to us because we have the answers.
Abigail Echo-Hawk (Pawnee), Director of Urban Indian Health Institute
As one of 12 Tribal Epidemiology Centers (TEC) in the United States—and the only one that provides services to other Urban Indian Health Programs (UIHPs) nationwide—Urban Indian Health Institute conducts research and evaluation, collects and analyzes data, and provides disease surveillance.
Its work is then made accessible through and along with the following services:
- Data requests
- Training
- Reports
- Research
- Technical Assistance
Through these services, other UIHPs have access to information that helps inform their health services and programs.