Native people experience housing insecurity at higher rates than any other race or ethnicity in King County, Washington. Seattle Indian Health Board offers its Housing Assistance Services to ensure that we are providing resources and opportunities to our relatives experiencing homelessness while also providing assistance to our community to prevent housing loss.
All housing assistance services are subject to eligibility, assessments, and screening requirements. To find out if you qualify for services or to learn more about our walk-in availability, please call our intake line at (206) 324-9360 or email us at

We offer case management and financial assistance to those who are on a lease but are at imminent risk of losing their housing. Participants may receive help with outstanding rent and bills, financial assistance for relocation, and other support to sustain their housing, including resource connections for employment, education, and skills training.

Outreach & Engagement
We provide street outreach services to those experiencing homelessness in Seattle. Our Outreach & Engagement Specialist engages with individuals living in encampments, cars, and out in the community by providing referrals to resources such as shelters, housing programs, day centers, food services and offering hygiene products and supplies.

Rapid Re-housing
We offer case management and financial assistance to those seeking housing through a rental subsidy program while experiencing homelessness. Our rapid re-housing program is an intervention designed to help individuals and families exit homelessness and transition into permanent housing. Participants work with a case manager for 3–12 months to secure housing stability.

Healthcare Informed by Indigenous Knowledge
Through our knowledge of American Indian and Alaska Native cultures, policy, and health, Seattle Indian Health Board combines the expertise of its staff to advocate for Native communities and provide holistic care for its patients.